Monday 11 March 2013

Welcome to the world of chemistry!


The word organic is another word that means different things to different people.To many people organic means “natural.” For example, gardeners sometimes talk about using organic fertilizer. What they mean is that they’re putting something natural on their plants instead of human-made, or synthetic fertilizers.

Organic means something completely different to chemists. In chemistry organic means “carbon-based.” To a chemist, an organic compound is any compound that contains carbon. That is any compound whose molecules contain carbon atoms. All living things are made of compounds containing mostly carbon, so lots of things that are “organic” to a gardener are also “organic” to a chemist.

Organic chemistry is that branch of chemistry that deals with structure, properties and reactions of carbon-containing compounds. It is a highly creative scienceIn understanding this form of chemistry, it is important to note that all organic molecules include not only carbon, but also hydrogen. While it is true that organic compounds can contain other elements, the bond between carbon and hydrogen is what makes a compound organic.
Beyond our bodies' DNA, peptides, proteins, and enzymes, organic compounds are all around us. They are central to the economic growth of the world especially in industries such as the rubber, plastics, fuel, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, detergent, coatings, and dyes. Organic compounds and their role in life processes are the foundations of biochemistry, biotechnology, and medicine. Several careers apply an understanding of organic chemistry, such as doctors, veterinarians, dentists, pharmacologists, chemical engineers, and chemists. Organic chemistry also plays a part in the development of common household chemicals, foods, plastics, drugs and fuels.


Indeed, what is the power of an onion that able to make every housewife ‘CRIES’ in the kitchen??? And what are the uses of onion contributing to our daily life???

Onions are the most common types of vegetables and that have embellished the kitchen shelves for every home. Onions are very common and good ingredients that contribute flavor to the food and even bring ‘TEARS’ in our daily life.

There are many question marks arose by the housewives??? Why does cutting onions always make our eyes tearing?

Here, let me tell you the secrets behind an onion. LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN……

When an onion is sliced, the onion cells are being broken. At the same time, the enzymes inside the onion cells called alliinases, which break down the amino acid sulfoxides and thus generate sulfenic acids. A specific sulfenic acid is recognized as 1-propenesulfenic acid.

The 1-propenesulfenic acid is then rapidly rearranged by a second enzyme, lachrymatory factor synthase (LFS). As a result, syn-propanethial-S-oxide is formed, a volatile gas known as the onion lachrymatory factor (LF).

Hence, the LF gas diffuses into the air and reaches the eye in time and lead to the activation of sensory neurons. Finally, the nerves around the eyes are irritated and make us cry automatically.

Onions make us down and cheer. Never mind the tears they bring on. However, they are the prized members of lily family, which they have the great contributions to our daily life.

Oppssssss………fruits have hormones too???

We eat fruits every day. We can see that fruits are green and small when they are still attach on the tree. But do you know what causes them to grow and ripen?

What are the fruits hormones?

Cytokinins, gibberellic acid, abscisic acid and ethylene are fruits hormones.

What is ethylene?

à        Known as Ethephon which is decomposed into ethylene form.

à        Main natural plant hormone which is ripening agent for fruits.

à        Affects the growth, development, ripening, and senescence (aging) of all fruits.

à        Normally produced in small quantities by most fruits and vegetables.

à        Many fruits produce larger quantities of ethylene and respond with uniform ripening when exposed to an external source of ethylene.

What are cytokinins, gibberellic acid and abscisic acid?

à        Cytokinin is hormone that is exported from the seed.

à        It causes cell division in the ovary wall.

à        It adds some thickness to the wall of the growing fruit.

à        Gibberellic acidis hormone which is exported to the wall of the ovary.

à        It causes the rapid expansion of plant’s cells lea to increase in fruit’s ovary size.

à        Abscisic acid produced by mother plants when fruit’s ovary size increasing.
à    It causes embryo in the developing seeds to become dormant.

Structures of ethylene, cytokinins, gibberellic acid and
abscisic acid


Abscisic acid 
Gibberellic acid    

Fruits growth and ripening process

Fruit Growth

Fruit Ripening

In the diagram above on the left is an unripe fruit. It is hard, green, sour, has no smell, is mealy (starch present). 

Is My Home Embalmed?

Producers are tricky, and their business sometimes involves tricking consumers. They trick us into buying very handy products for cleaning, deodorizing, softening, smoothing, and beautifying that often contain dangerous chemicals.
If the word “formaldehyde” doesn’t remind you of an embalmed body on a cold steel table, it should! Formaldehyde has been used for decades to embalm dead bodies for open casket burials. It is a preservation fluid that replaces the blood, it is a recognized cancer causing agent (carcinogen) by the National Cancer Institute, and oh, by the way, it is in most of the products you buy and use around your home, even the materials your home was built with!
It might surprise you to know that much of the shelving, furniture, wall finishes, carpet, cabinetry and flooring in your home could contain this dangerous chemical. Formaldehyde can also be found in these building materials:


Many individuals consider organic chemistry to be very complicated and unrelated to daily life. Though the study of this discipline may be complex, but it is vital to everyday life. In fact, organic compounds are a part of everything, from the foods people eat to the products they use.

This field of study is important not only to those who are interested in science-related careers, but to every individual alive today and to those who will be born in the future. It is the key in developing new products and improving those on which people have become dependent. Each year, organic chemists make discoveries that are helpful in improving medicines, aiding agricultural growth, understanding the human body, and performing countless tasks important to the average person.

Chemistry career field